Solo sailor app

Almost 2 years ago I created an app for personal use. Now it’s available for everyone on Google Play! (iOS in the future?)

Solo sailor is simple, but have helped me many times both single-handed and double-handed. Basically it’s an continuous alarm that will keep resetting itself after acknowledging the alarm.

Before this I have used egg timers and the inbuilt phone alarm, but on several occasion, tired or sleep deprived, I have learned the brain is more than willing to take its own actions, such as discontinuing the alarm or ignoring it completely until it goes away.

Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, states:

Rule 5 requires that “every vessel shall at all times maintain a proper look-out by sight and hearing as well as by all available means appropriate in the prevailing circumstances and conditions so as to make a full appraisal of the situation and of the risk of collision.

Single handed or short handed sailing requires you to be more vigilant as you are more prone to sleep deprivation. This app may help you stay alert about your surroundings. The app focus on a clean interface, a default “black”/night interface to keep your night vision, and with as few elements as possible but only the necessary.

While I have tested the app on several occasions, please note that you should have several means to alert you and not trust this app alone. Read more about responsible use, disclaimer and limitations at

The app is downloadable from Google Play Store under the name “SoloSailor”/”Solo Sailor”. Due to it’s low listing to other sailing app it might not show first, try searching for “Ramsalt” instead.

Please give it a try and remember to rate and share it to fellow sailors. And feel free to send your suggestions for improving the app to syramsalt[///at\\\]

The link below will take you directly to the Google Play Store listing on either laptop or phone:

Shark dive, open ocean, Azores

I’ve previously dived with sharks on several occasions, mostly whitetip, blacktip and grey shark (reef sharks) patrolling the edges of a coral reef, shy and with very little interest for human beings.

Nothing like this, an open ocean dive in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean with sharks interacting! In the deep blue that we have stared into for so many hours while sailing.

Continue reading “Shark dive, open ocean, Azores”

Crossing the Atlantic, West to East, Arriving Horta, Azores

At long last and at long, as many have noticed, we can report that we have landed in Horta, the Azores.

The last few days there was not much to report from and still weather meant that we had to drive the last 106nm to Horta. In total we spent just under 23 days (2619nm distance). We were surprised to find larger boats starting a week before us, came in several days after, so we must have done something right!

Continue reading “Crossing the Atlantic, West to East, Arriving Horta, Azores”

Crossing the Atlantic, West to East, Day 17-18-19

Day 17

We’re “only” 850nm from Horta and we’ve had good speed the last days with 24hr averages up to 140nm (pretty good for this boat).

Today we had ‘Hooked Cirrus’-clouds on the sky – a messenger of a low/depressions arriving. With a barometer, termostat and reading the clouds you can predict all weather, and something we enjoy practicing when sailing. The book “Reading the clouds” by Oliver Perkins is a jewel any ship library should carry IMHO. A look on the forecast confirms the clouds; on this very spot there will be 30 kts average wind in 24 hours, but then we will be further east.

Continue reading “Crossing the Atlantic, West to East, Day 17-18-19”